Judah Celebrates His First One-Man Art Show & Judah Creative Celebrates 3 Years!
Posted by Judah on May.07,2013 in Blog, News with 0 Comments

I believe this is where we say, “Fun was had by all.”
Perhaps we could have done without the snow in May, however, ha! One of my friends made the observation that we’ll probably always look back and say, “remember that art show we did in May and it snowed?” and he’s probably right! I can genuinely say with a grin that the art show and celebration was a great time.
Judah’s First One-Man Art Show
I graduated with a BFA in printmaking in 2003. One of the pacts I made with myself was that I would not quit doing art after graduation. I’ve come close, but press onward! It’s always a landmark event for an artist to #1: produce enough artwork for a one-man show, #2: find a place to do it, and #3: get all of it show worthy. On Friday, May 3 at 6:00PM CST, a mere ten years after earning my art degree, I crossed that threshold. The show exhibited 20 framed and matted works and 3 nearly full sketchbooks. The time-frame of works spanned from when I first graduated all the way up to recent works produced this year.
Judah Creative Celebrates 3 Years!
On May 7, 2010 I took the plunge and started Judah Creative, a full-service graphic design micro-studio. As fate would have it, I met some very fine people who put my name out there and connected me with people who needed good design. I can honestly say that without this ingredient, there’s no way I could have done it. After three years of staying very, very busy (in a good way!) I am so grateful for this opportunity to serve with my abilities PLUS pursue my personal art goals while raising a family. I can’t imagine doing anything else, except maybe teaching drawing…oh yeah! I already do that!
So Who Won the Matted Print?
As a way of celebrating, I decided to give away free mini-prints plus a matted print to one person. Jenni came up with the perfect way to randomly select a name out of the guest book. We have a Bingo board game, so we just drew a number, then counted the names down the list until we reached that number. Congratulations, Amanda Gates! You’re the winner!
A GIGANTIC Thank you!
Yes, to all of you brave souls who did not let the nasty weather get in the way of celebrating this moment. It meant a lot to me that so many came; we had nearly 70, regardless of the snow! I have not had such a good time in a very long time!
- Judah’s May Art Show – Winner – Springfield, MO
- Judah’s May Art Show 1 – Springfield, MO
- Judah’s May Art Show – Winner 2 – Springfield, MO
- Judah’s May Art Show – Free Mini Print – Springfield, MO
- Judah’s May Art Show – Entry 2 – Springfield, MO
- Judah’s May Art Show – Entry – Springfield, MO
- Judah’s May Art Show – Sign – Springfield, MO
- Judah’s May Art Show – Guest Book – Springfield, MO
- Judah’s May Art Show 5 – Springfield, MO
- Judah’s May Art Show 1 – Springfield, MO
- Judah’s May Art Show 1 – Springfield, MO
- Judah’s May Art Show 4 – Springfield, MO
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