Photo Doodle: Hercules Glades Fall Reflection
Posted by Judah on Nov.20,2013 in Daily Doodle, Photo Doodle with 0 CommentsHercules Glades remains one of my favorite hiking and backpacking areas. The Missouri Glade eco-system was a new discovery for us when we moved to the Ozarks, and a very welcome one. I recently took my daughter on a one night tent camping excursion and snapped a few iPhone photos while there. I’ve got to say, the iPhone 5 camera is way better than my iPhone 4 was. I was pretty impressed with the results. This was using the HDR (high dynamic range) setting, which is WAY better than the HDR setting on the previous phone.
Anyway, my daughter, Brielle is the person reflected in the little puddle. This was taken right next to a beautiful waterfall and rocky area with several little water pools containing these recently fallen leaves. Beautiful!
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